Wednesday, November 24, 2010


So did you watch the sea games? I know, China is going to win the first place. Oh! And did you know that my Brunei also joined it? Well, we did! =D but...... we didn't get any medals *wrecked face* So yeah,I'm obsess with  the Sea Games.

Morning evry evyr (oh gosh! I CAN'T TYPE IT CORRECTLY) everyone *finally* Did you wanna know what happened today? I mean, really in morning like.... 00:00? Hehe, i was watching the Sea Games =P Then i slept, and was woke because of an 'explosion sound' in the middle of my sweet DREAM!!!!

What was that damn thing???
Even though i didn't saw it but i hope it's okay.... I mean if its some jerks playing the crackles GO TO HELL YOU DAMN ASS!!! I NEED TO REST NOW!!!! It's was like World War II. I was grabbing my:
  1. Mobile phone
  2. A bottle of water
  3. Spectacle
  4. Wallet
Haha, I know, I was actually planning to run and take my car keys and drove it to some where peace so that i can sleep.... HAHA, what??? just to sleep? Ooops, i mean incase the was a bomb attack or something. Then at 9am i went to BSB... you know just walking aroung nothing to do like crazy old.... oh wait~ I met this nver mind...

Afternoon didn't went very well, i miss the Sea Games show like 2 hours cause i was sleeping... YES! TO COVERED UP THE SLEEPING TIME OF THE BOMBING ATTACK! But i'm pretty sure i'll watch it at 10pm this night.

About my grandpa, you need not to worry him already, he's staying at my house and we look after him, well practically... He's been coughing this whole month like...

Yes, that bad, i mean really bad. But he'll be okay, i guess..... *unsure face* My sister is having exam this 27th and she is having a hard time revising as
  1. Her room is taken by my grandpa and grandma
  2. My granpa coughing bother her
  3. We bought a dvd and she was like.... "I can't resist it, i can't concentrate before finishing watching the movies" and its like 11movies and now she watched it already, i mean ALL!
  4. I fix my game and she likes it a lot
And 28th is my lovely D-Maths tuition teacher's wedding! I'm looking forward to that date.

Her wedding card was more likely to be like this but with more nicer design and gold colours. Wonderful!
Ughhh! It's another 4 more hours till the Sea Games show, i really want to watch it like now! I need a miracle!
Speaking of miss, i miss my classmate especially shahina, jasilah, harish, gary and sheena and others. And mostly i miss my previous PE teacher, T.Agerico, the best teacher i ever had!

I almost forgot, shahina, if you are reading this....

Dear Shahina,

I read your blog and see a lot of improvement in it example your post length, its getting longer, i mean very long like i mention in your cbox. And your blog, it has a cbox already! I'm kindda surprised that you actually wrote my name, with my blog address, someone will stalk me for sure. Haha, joke. Thank you for you to remind me, i hope you did not forget about me and my attitude to you (good attitude kaliah).  Eventhough we are far apart but still, we are friend, i will support reading your blog until i can. I know maybe you didn't understand this cause i'm spontaneous write this letter.And that paragraph about me is really short! But i'm happy that you at least wrote something about me on your blog, i'm honoured.

Yours sincere,


Huh~ spent more than 15 mins writing it shahina, let take a rest................................


PS: There's some spelling mistakes somewhere i don't know and i'm too lazy to check.

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