Thursday, April 21, 2011

Am I?

Perfect morning, fresh day, good start of a day but I can sense that it won't be a great day. In fact, today is one of the worst!!! EVAR!!!!

MORNING~ I woke up before 5am, 4.58 to be exact. Wait two minutes before five wondering why I have a bad feeling (seriously, didn't feel really good when I was awake). 5am, switch on my water heater and tried to go to sleep back but it isn't working, I'm not asleep at all. 5.30, just realized I'm switching on the wrong switch, it's the toilet's light and not the water heater but there is no time to waste so I just went to the toilet and do whatever my 'business' there.

Brush my teeth, OUCH! A little of my gums are torn from my mouth and got blood! No time to panic, and I take a shower..... AAaaaaaaaa!!!!!! "IT WAS SO FREAKING COLD!" Imagine, cold water + aircond = freezing. I feel like I'm showered with ice cubes.

It only take me 3 minutes to wear my uniform, maybe because I feel so cold and all my muscle are like "faster faster faster!" Do prayer, and surprising I finished all of it twelve minutes earlier than usual. 5.48, because I think it is still early so I try to sleep once again. Yupe, it worked. Until my alarm rang for the second time.

Rush to the kitchen to take breakfast and oh~ there is my mum. It's been a long time already since I see my mum in the kitchen, she always work and now she has been more than 3 months not cooking. All I eat is the food I bought from outside restaurant. Pity me? I know, I miss the home cook. =(

It still nice to see her even though only for a few seconds. She left the kitchen and went to work after that. Leaving me alone making my own breakfast. But it's okay, I'm used to it. lonely.....

Then finish eating, brushing teeth, do some stupid stuff that I do everyday and opening facebook. 6.36am, go to school. Otw to school I saw Matthew waiting at the bus stop on the roadside. I can see him almost everyday also. 7.++am, finally arrived at school, walking to my classroom really really slow while watching Gary talking to some bunch of guys.

School started as the bell rang, our schedule was like:

  1. Physics
  2. Physics
  3. Physics
  4. Biology
  5. Biology (before break)
  6. D'Maths (after break)
  7. Dmaths
  8. A'Maths
  9. A'Maths
 I just notice that we have 5 period of Science subject and 4 period of Maths Subject. I looks like we only study two subject but it was soooooo fr*aking long. 30 minutes I can feel like 2 hours. 10 minutes was like so long! Physics we just do some past year paper question.

Biology we do counting and genetic. Not much though.

Maths was easy and fun. We learn about position vector, vector topic. It was very easy, the hardest question also really easy. I can do it all week long without complaining.

A'Maths *sounds angry* During A'Maths my friend ditch me :'( Charlene wants to sit in my place so I decided to sit with Gary. Then Gary feels really gentlemen (or making me pissed) by giving his place to a girl. Which is I don't like her. She always..... urrghh! Nevermind! <only Gary know this, don't tell em'!>

But I guess it's not Gary's fault. He was only being gentlemen :( Then she was like.... Nevermind, just forget it, I only tells Gary, and I prefer telling him only cause since he is my friend who knows a lot about me already until my personal life.

And.... I don't get any hug(s) today except from Lim. So sad and stressed right now. I'm so in need of hugs, or you can call it obsess. I don't know why also?I feels like hugging people now....

And before I forgot, during break time, Christy me and Gary was like chatting. Then Christy look at my face, maybe she was remembering how she know who I like, then she burst her drink (yes! from her mouth, DIRECT with saliva) to us. But Gary took most of it. Gary's shirt was wet and for me, just my hand and some spot on my uniform. Like bbbutdhavshbjhvdjvmbkjb mvhvtd!

So yeah, I don't wanna sit with the girl anymore!!!! Maybe Gary see that girl like moving her chair toward me just now. And I was move away from her until i was at the edge of the table, I'm using only 1/4 of the table because I don't want to be near her. So urgh!

Wait I have my A'Maths tuition. Wait till me back! This isn't over yet.


I'm back! Welcome back to myself! I feel really tired and my left hand is still painful. My hand was punched by 'someone' in the tuition and also school. Wondering who is the 'someone'? Not gonna tell you....  Didn't get to do much in my tuition. I totally forgot how to integrate and differentiate. But didn't even ask the teacher to revise about it.

:'( My favorite korean drama series, Life Is Good just finished just now about less than a minute. Tomorrow gonna be a new story. I'm so gonna miss that story!!!! Today is horrible!!!! I feel wanna cry, who's shoulder is free?


PS: Gonna end this post now, I'm too sad to write anything more.

PSS: I wanna cry!

PSSS: Now almost half of the class know who I like? It's time to tell Shahina. Christy! Why did you guess so correct one?!

PSSSS: I hope a got a hug(s) from someone(s) tomorrow. I'm so freaking need it!

PSSSSS: This post contain no picture at all

PSSSSSS: That is a lot of 'PS'

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