Thursday, December 30, 2010

Second Last Day of 2010

Did you notice that today is the second last day of 2010? Maybe some of you didn't, or.... maybe you didn't even care. Me either, i didn't bother to care about.... I mean for what? But then I realized that it is important to remember all days, including this day because it'll be gone..... you can't have it back.

Every seconds is gold/money, when you waste it you'll regret. You will have the biggest mistakes in your life because wasting your time. Somehow, most people didn't know their wasting it. Every second of your life is valuable, once you waste it, it's gone, maybe the time 'bye-bye' you... =P

So... you must filled your time with more important things, one of it is reading my blog =D Haha, just giving you some idea..... It's your own choice to classify everything. Well, two more days we'll be celebrating our new year, 2011. Say hello to 2011 and bye to 2010.

Did you get what you wish in the early of 2010? I hope you did. Mine.... yea, i guess i did it. But this year maybe isn't the best year of my life. New year probably..... I don't know, it's too early to say. But do i do wish it'll gonna be the best.

Since today..... Oh, i'm writing this at 3.33pm (on my watch). I wanted to write something more but i forgot what it is.... Haha, sorry I can't remember it... I've been thinking this lately about:

1) My Laptop, what will happened to him? I'm really worried about it..... I hope he's been cured

2) New year is coming and it's only 3 more holidays left until the school re-open. I haven't buy all of my stationery and books. I"M NOT READY FOR SCHOOL!!!!

Please extend the holidays for one more month!!!!! I'm begging!

3) My post is getting shorter and boring every single day, don't you notice? I'm sure you did...... I guess while you are reading this you must be.......

SLEEPING!!!!! And the map you've done with your saliva.... Ewww...


PS: Remember this, Don't waste your time!

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