Monday, January 10, 2011

Meeting Old Friend

Waw! It's almost 5pm now and I'm just home from a long day at school. So technically I'm at school from the morning, spending the most 'valuable' time there. All we do is learn, write and study. So morning section wasn't interesting at all.

So afternoon section actually was worst, but it was worth because I met my old best-friend, Harish. He just change school this year. I've been doing many things with him such as practical, IRK, cheating in test, laughing all time in biology, and those crazy stuff.

I'm missing all that times
Afternoon, before I meet Harish : WORST NIGHTMARE EVER!!!! Now I need to sit with Hufailin (my archenemy since form 1) through out all this longest year! I used to sit with Harish and we always got scolded together.  *I feel like wanna cry right now*

But I just learn, life isn't easy. I need to be strong. I will survive! 


Why all my best-friends are getting far away from me? I felt unlucky. 5 mins more to 5pm. There's nothing more I wanna write except that now I'm helping Jasilah with the duty roster and Gary ans Sheena with the printing of students name. So kasian Gary our monitor need to do so many things. Luckily no one vote for me, after all, it was a huge job.


PS: I like my birthday's present. It's a perfume, nice! And I'm using it right now!!!!

I'm sure gonna do this to Harish!

I did this to all my best-friends especially letters 'E'

To all who ever been my best-friend, you are and still my best-friends FOREVER!!!!

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