Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Prank Chat

Well, you might be surprised that I'm still blogging -I-can-see-you're-smiling-now- The reason is, I don't know; I'm bored perhaps. I really should be studying now. Just drop by here to say hello. Bye!

H-A-H-A-H-A WTH!!! I'm not gonna end there, don't cry :P So just doing thid 'blog' because I wanted to share you something. That is regarding my exam, I just screwed my first exam, June 0'Level!!! Yes! No! Not my fault. It's the freaking -so-don't-know- teacher fault! She didn't explain to us how to write the format. I just wrote my index number, well most of us did that so apparently we all are screwed!

Yeah! We all screwed together baby~ And we almost brings home the papers which is suppose to be 'cannot bring out'. 1/3 of the student bought home, lucky they, the original version of June 2011 question paper. Shoot! I SWREWED MY EXAM!!!!!!!! I didnt write my school's centre number, I die!

Don't want to talk about that! Case closed! I die! DONT SAY THAT!

So we have two birthday princess today, it's ruby and christy!

That is ruby (right) beside me :D

And that is christy (right) with some famous 'dead blog owner'

The cake this time was unique, and it was a brilliant idea btw. To whoever planned it, congrates! That was a successful surprise. Almost failed, but it didn't. The cake was cupcakes :) I ate 1 Gary ate 1 Myka ate 1 Jasmine ate 1 Jasilah ate 1 and some others also ate 1 per person but not all cause it's not enough. Only 22 cupcakes so whoever pays it can eat it.

So I was studying just now, then I feel this extremely bore. I'm so regretting I open my laptop, this distracting me. Well, apparently I'm bored and i do something crazy and blog it. Here is what I do: I PRANK CHAT MY FRIENDS IN MSN !!!!! Here are some, can't do lots because they didn't go online!!! Well, enjoy and LOL!

Ho's prank #1: Adopted child

Ho's prank #2: Like me?

Stefanie's prank chat: Love me?
This guy seriously knows me, I can't prank him. Straight away he said "Prank failed" Waste my time waiting him so late:(

I know this is the crazy things. HAHA I'm just so jobless
NOTE: None of the above is true :)

Seriously I gotta get rid of this laptop. I'm going to study now!


PS: I won't be active till 9th June Just wait for me to come back!

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