Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Yay! Finally, its Christmas!!!! Merry Christmas to the Christians and the people who celebrate it =D Well, I'm hoping that schools were open so that we can celebrate it together, with the cheers and joyful.

What did you get? Look at under the christmas tree, now!!!! Well, i don't have any present, i guess the santa found out that i'm a bad person at last..... D: Yea.... i'm really a bad person! I didn't even get my birthday present on my birthday, not a single gift at all. My mum postpone to buy my camera, laptop, and she even don't care much about building my new room!!!!! I mean, i passed her to plan already.

But, this is Christmas day, all of us should be happy. I guess, most of us are happy, not all i know, bcoz my grandma aren't happy, she's mad. You know what?? I woke up really early this morning. With the smile =D I open my eyes widely.....

I feel happy today even if my laptop are still broken, currently i'm using my sister's laptop right now, blogging. And stuff that required laptop on it. I'm happy!!!!!!!!!

I'm really happy today, i found many of moving animations =DDDD My first time search and i got more than one..... Okay back to Christmas...... Emmm...... I don't really know about Christmas as i'm a muslim.... So maybe you could tell me what is it actually? I just know christmas that we got a Santa!!! I watch it from the movies....

Yeah, i woke up early because there is many interesting movie on the TV. Yes, i'm watching it right now.......

Haha, outdated tv huh? That's not mine..... Mine is..... the flat one, with full HD haha..... And we here, have a santa to celebrate, well, his birthday is today so we can call him a santa right? At least he treat us a meal in restaurant, i hope....

The santa every year, 25 December he was born was........ my uncle, we called him Tua (Old) because he was the oldest,  Uncle Zakaria aka Uncle Zack.


I've been watching the TV since morning and now getting night...... I should stop, the movie on tv are getting interesting, so see ya pals!


PS: School gonna be re-open in 2 weeks, and i'm still not ready for it.

I must be hardworking and co-operative to all of my friends!

Good bye and Merry Christmas Ho.... Hoooo...... Hoooo.....!!!!!!! and HAHAHA!!!!!! (the latest style)

The Santa would go in to your house through your chimney, but will go out using the front door =P

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Haha, so random! =D

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