Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year 2011 OTW!!!

Yes, as you can read it! New Year for 2011 is ON THE WAY and is about to arrived. I believe most of the blog owner will be writing any post as this is the LAST day of year 2010. Me, myself, is also VERY excited writing this....

Well... *OMG I"M EXCITED* haha, wait......... i'm cooling off.....

Well, what have you prepared for the celebration? Haha, me and my family and some of my cousin are preparing for BBQ outside of my house..... Yes, we are very busy now and i'm... *whisper* i'm escaping from all those terrible chores. Like....

1. Carrying all those stuff we need for the BBQ

2. Slice-ing all those blood-y food.... I mean BLOOD!!!!!!

3. Being very stressful doing all the chores

4. Being the one who listened the stressful people angry-ness
Yeah, actually I still have more to write *phone call*......


Aha, back, just wasted 5 mins finding my mum who was just right beside me..... Well, I guess i should go now, really need to go..... Our BBQ is already starting.... And... I can smell the smoke light up already!


PS: Spend your time with your family now, or friends, anyone!!!!! You're gonna celebrate it at 00:00!!!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Second Last Day of 2010

Did you notice that today is the second last day of 2010? Maybe some of you didn't, or.... maybe you didn't even care. Me either, i didn't bother to care about.... I mean for what? But then I realized that it is important to remember all days, including this day because it'll be gone..... you can't have it back.

Every seconds is gold/money, when you waste it you'll regret. You will have the biggest mistakes in your life because wasting your time. Somehow, most people didn't know their wasting it. Every second of your life is valuable, once you waste it, it's gone, maybe the time 'bye-bye' you... =P

So... you must filled your time with more important things, one of it is reading my blog =D Haha, just giving you some idea..... It's your own choice to classify everything. Well, two more days we'll be celebrating our new year, 2011. Say hello to 2011 and bye to 2010.

Did you get what you wish in the early of 2010? I hope you did. Mine.... yea, i guess i did it. But this year maybe isn't the best year of my life. New year probably..... I don't know, it's too early to say. But do i do wish it'll gonna be the best.

Since today..... Oh, i'm writing this at 3.33pm (on my watch). I wanted to write something more but i forgot what it is.... Haha, sorry I can't remember it... I've been thinking this lately about:

1) My Laptop, what will happened to him? I'm really worried about it..... I hope he's been cured

2) New year is coming and it's only 3 more holidays left until the school re-open. I haven't buy all of my stationery and books. I"M NOT READY FOR SCHOOL!!!!

Please extend the holidays for one more month!!!!! I'm begging!

3) My post is getting shorter and boring every single day, don't you notice? I'm sure you did...... I guess while you are reading this you must be.......

SLEEPING!!!!! And the map you've done with your saliva.... Ewww...


PS: Remember this, Don't waste your time!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I definitely have a "very happy face" right now! Why not? ......Well, I now realize that people(s) are visiting my blog, and they even posted it in my cbox (look right). And their comments good so far.  If you...
point at you

If you like my blog, JIM's, really much.. then you can clicked "follow" to get to know if there is new updates. I would gives you a million THANK YOU if you did that, i mean, with kindness of course.

There is three things that i want to talk about today, well, make it four..:

  1. Pictures - I don't know how automatically the pictures that i take from google for this blog.... Oh, Shahina just send me a text on msn *chat with Shahina, my friend* I'm back! Well, where are we? O.. yea... technically the pictures are originally gigantic! Like, the first two pictures i took for this post. For the first time I was like, OMG! That was huge!!!
  2. Weather - Ouch! My 'sister's' laptop just touch me with her 'hot' butt... The weather at my place is currently not very pleasant, it's raining heavily with all those storm and lightning and wind, i'm talking about the strong wind that can blow out your roof . Because all this lightning stuff i can't do my blogging very much! I don't want to be struck by the lightning. Btw, this year, december, I guess is the worst.... We are having many disaster, and death tooo *remains me that I almost got an accident last friday*
  3. My Laptop - *cries* My laptop is still in his critical condition, I was told by the 'stupid fixer' that it must be formatted again for the 3th time!!! IN A ROW!!!! Like, i've formatted it 3 times in 3days at the same repair shop! "Can you repair itor not? If not i'll bring it to the other shop which is right besides you!!! (there are two more computer repair at the sides).
  4. New Year - I'm afraid that i can't blog for new year, but i'll write more often when school re-opened. In case i didn't get to post after this until new year (maybe), I'll celebrate it earlier.....

Okay, my sister is starting to annoyed me, she was like..... "Already? Already? *looked at me* Come on....! I wanna play games!!!!" Oh.... Come on sister, grow up!!! Well, i need to end this quick, there is storm outside of my house and my sister keep on pushing me! Stay tuned people, click the 'follow' button.


PS: I know this times i'm writing a very short post but i'll try to write  a long one and more interesting when i got my laptop fixed. I leave you with a few new years pictures i got.... Hope you are in the mood for new year already!


Hope in 2011: Hope there will be more readers to read on my blog and we'll be happy all the time!!!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Yay! Finally, its Christmas!!!! Merry Christmas to the Christians and the people who celebrate it =D Well, I'm hoping that schools were open so that we can celebrate it together, with the cheers and joyful.

What did you get? Look at under the christmas tree, now!!!! Well, i don't have any present, i guess the santa found out that i'm a bad person at last..... D: Yea.... i'm really a bad person! I didn't even get my birthday present on my birthday, not a single gift at all. My mum postpone to buy my camera, laptop, and she even don't care much about building my new room!!!!! I mean, i passed her to plan already.

But, this is Christmas day, all of us should be happy. I guess, most of us are happy, not all i know, bcoz my grandma aren't happy, she's mad. You know what?? I woke up really early this morning. With the smile =D I open my eyes widely.....

I feel happy today even if my laptop are still broken, currently i'm using my sister's laptop right now, blogging. And stuff that required laptop on it. I'm happy!!!!!!!!!

I'm really happy today, i found many of moving animations =DDDD My first time search and i got more than one..... Okay back to Christmas...... Emmm...... I don't really know about Christmas as i'm a muslim.... So maybe you could tell me what is it actually? I just know christmas that we got a Santa!!! I watch it from the movies....

Yeah, i woke up early because there is many interesting movie on the TV. Yes, i'm watching it right now.......

Haha, outdated tv huh? That's not mine..... Mine is..... the flat one, with full HD haha..... And we here, have a santa to celebrate, well, his birthday is today so we can call him a santa right? At least he treat us a meal in restaurant, i hope....

The santa every year, 25 December he was born was........ my uncle, we called him Tua (Old) because he was the oldest,  Uncle Zakaria aka Uncle Zack.


I've been watching the TV since morning and now getting night...... I should stop, the movie on tv are getting interesting, so see ya pals!


PS: School gonna be re-open in 2 weeks, and i'm still not ready for it.

I must be hardworking and co-operative to all of my friends!

Good bye and Merry Christmas Ho.... Hoooo...... Hoooo.....!!!!!!! and HAHAHA!!!!!! (the latest style)

The Santa would go in to your house through your chimney, but will go out using the front door =P

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Haha, so random! =D

Friday, December 24, 2010

Thank You God!

OMG!!! Did you believe it? It just happened like 30 minutes ago.... Okay let me tell you...

I almost got a car accident on the way back to my house from the mosque after the juma'at prayer. Well, if you looked at it, it would be my fault, but i did see right and left before accelerating. The tree!!!!! The tree is blocking some of the view, and guess what..... the car is actually hidden behind the tree when i looked at the left, so i suppose there is no car. I press acceleration and NTTTHHHHHHH!!!!!!!  *honk and brake sound* And he looked at me, his face, his car was RED!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I am so dead, he looks like a policeman!!!!

He stop for a while, and.... *duk dak duk dak* OH...... luckily he didn't stop and get out of his car, i was thinking he is going to beat me up.... LIKE OOOOOMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but it doesn't happen. So i drove home really realyy slow.....

Although i'm home still in one piece but i can't forget the face, maybe he'll make a report and police are going to catch me.....Maybe he got my car license no. What should i doo???? What will they do???? Like, seriously!!!!!!

I can't write properly cause im still scared!!!!!!!!!!! Can you help me what should i do?


PS: Don't drive too fast in village area, just like me, i wast driving fast. And get a license!

It's not cool when you end up with a policeman infront!

But thank God that i'm still alive in one piece and hopefully nothing happened to me!!!!!! NOT ENDING UP WITH POLICE!!!! I don't want!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Balik Kampung

Waw! Seriously? I mean really, my family just left me alone at house and went breakfast at a restaurant? How could all of you do this to me???! All i do is just have a nice sleep until 10am.....

Well, my family always wake up early and went breakfast at restaurant every Sunday. And they always ditch me because i hate to woke up early. At around 11 something they came home, bringing foods.

They only give me about 15 minutes to eat my breakfast or should i say LUNCH! How cruel are they, i didn't even get to finish it, i just leave it on my table. After about 15 minutes, all of us go 'Balik Kampong' to Tutong, at my grandparents house. Yeah, it's Sunday, so all most family gather around their elder house.

My grandpa was very happy, there i didn't do anything, all i did was eat, watch tv and sleep, then go home. Yeah, i'm kindda lazy..... After i got home, finally we've been told that my grandpa actually wanted to moved to our house. That's why he was wearing a very smart shirt, i mean it's batik, and expensive one. But my grandma didn't want to, so yeah, he stay silent.My mum says we will pick him up tomorrow, but doesn't sound very convincing.

And night, 7pm, my sister attend her first driving class and they are learning about the law currently. Now, it's about 9.30 when i'm writing this paragraph and it's raining very bad outside of my house. About the rain do you want to know more?

Rain in Brunei 2010:

Well. this can be considered hurricane. Just yesterday, we had a ice rain, we called it 'hujan ais' in malay, and it accure in Kg.Ayer, Brunei's historical place and tourist attraction. I heard most of the houses were damaged, waw, it is really bad! The roof of house and school were flew by the wing, light beside the roads fell down, trees crashing a car and many mores.

Just now, it's not even one hour past raining, and it's already flood everywhere. And i just read that there is one person died being struck by a thunder storm in Kg.Ayer and one injured for helping him. OMG!!!! This is so gonna be the headlines for all local newspaper!!!! - JIM reporting for *** bulletin =P

Time passes really quick. It's always a time to drop by and say goodbye. GOODBYE!!!!!!! haha just kidding, i mean seriously goodnight!


PS: I'm gonna eat my lunch's leftover after posting this blog, and i didn't mean to say goodbye early, it was just that i need to shut down my laptop and internet as the storm is here and there. I don't want to be on the newspaper's headline. Bye... See you soon readers :]

It'll be relaxing to be sleeping with the cold in the rain, i love it, do you?

As it say, sweet dream, and to lucy:

Have a romantic date with 'mr.froggie.' It's romantic in the dark and it's raining.... Goodluck! *wink*

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Teacher's Day

Today aren't actually 'Teacher Day'. I just wrote it because it's my PE teacher, agerico, is having his birthday =D Which also can be called my bestfriend =P I was the first person to greet him in Facebook. Haha! I've been remembering his birthday since 2008, i once gave him a present that is a PINK TIE, and guess what? He used it =DDDD

Oh, there's music on tv, and...... my mum is doing her crazy dance haha!!!

And now there's a visitor, oh... my cousin, they just got back from Singapore. And... HAHAHAHA!!!!! One of my boy cousin are..... BOLD!!!!! Each one of them are now opening their sourveniers from KL. Yeah, i forgot to tell you.....

My confesion:

I haven't been blogging these few week was because i went to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Yes! I've thinking to bring my laptop together because my hotel got WIFI (it's a 5 star hotel, who didn't expect the hotel didn't). But suddenly just the night before i had my flight my laptop caught a virus, blue screen virus. Yes, i fix it it and just got my laptop back yeaterday and TODAY i GET the BLUESCREEN VIRUS  AGAIN!!!!! Like WTF!!!!!!

kuala lumpur TWIN TOWER
Today...... What happen today?? I woke up early, i mean very early, then take a bath, put on my new cloth which i buy from KL, my new sandals, and i went to JPD, one department of taking for driving license, and had a breakfast at Mulaut Restaurant.

Ugrhh.....!!!! What happen to my laptop???!! I'm fed up with these already! What the FUCK is wrong with you??? I almost spend a thousand dollars fixing you and went to the repair shop for more than 4 times! You should be fixed by now!! STUPID ENGINEER!!!!

Then, at night i went to KTM restaurant and i eat Sweet and Sour Chicken with Fried Rice. And it raining really heavily, and maybe tomorrow's newspapers headline is about ICE RAIN. There's some part of my country is having the 'ice rain', mabe it's snow.... OMG!!!! I want it!!! WHERE IS IT???


AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!! It's the blue screen again, now i can't boot on it. I'm so gonna kill him! now i'm currently using my sister's laptop. Lucky i got automatic save draft.

Okay... now i have to go, tomorrow i need to wake up early again, need to jog.... so good bye pals..... =)


PS: What do you think, should i repair at the same shop again or find another computer repairing shop? Please help me, give your suggestion.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Birthday and Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru Hijrah

Today was a beautiful Monday! Monday the starter of the week, months and day. Let's talk about New Year first. Well today, muslims celebrate a new year which is to be called Tahun Baru Hijrah. Hijrah is usually used for the muslim calendar, we used it as same as we use the january, february etc, but we are making our months:
  1. Muharam
  2. Safar
  3. Rabiulawal
  4. Rabiulakhir
  5. Jamadilawal
  6. Jamadilakhir
  7. Rejab
  8. Sa'ban
  9. Ramadhan
  10. Syawal
  11. Zulkaedah
  12. Zulhijrah
Look, it's almost the same, we have 12 months. So today is 1st Muharam 1432.We had a little prayer at the mosque just now.... The prayer (Do'a) was a bit long.



Well, every people celebrate it in different ways, but here, in my country, we celebrate it by praying, read do'a and islamic activities.Please do tell me, how you celebrate it in your country.... =D

So back to our starter:

Today was a beautiful Monday! Monday the starter of the week, months and day. Now we talked about what's happening today. 6 December 2010, for the historic day of my life. YeS! It's 

MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!


OMG! This is really X-Large =D

Even though i didn't celebrate it this year ='( but it still one of the best.You know why? It's because  

ALL of my BESTFRIENDS greeted me in very early in the morning. It's like 12am and it's just only passed 3 mins, more than 5 people already greeted me a happy birthday. This includes:

  1. My First bestfriend
  2. My Second bestfriend
  3. My thirth bestfriend
  4. My fourth bestfriend
  5. And it all folowed by my friends
YES! I was really happy!!! =D Some of them even message my phone like this one:
Zim! Happy 16th Birthday :D hee~ have a great day ;D enjoy!Sorry if i woke you up, i'm not sure which is yournumber~ so i sent this greeting to both your #  - LUCY via MOBILE

 And even most of them use the technology, i mean internet, such as facebook:

Lutfil Hamdani Happy Birthday Hazim! :D from me and Lucy Meringue. Have a blast !

Qawi Rajak happy birthday jim :D

Harish Amirul hey my best friend,happy b'day!muga pnjg umur n murah rezeki

Kim Roseli happpy birthday hazim kawanku!!

Adib M. Zain Happy birthday,old friend. May your day be filled with happiness.

And most importantly, my best teacher and bestfriend ever!!!!!!

Agerico Depala Happy Birthday! dont 4get mine! hahaha

 Well, maybe you don't mind if i enjoy my day?


PS: I don't know why is it bold... but have fun ya'll

Random birthday cake! =P



Sunday, December 5, 2010

Congrates To 'The Beauty And The Chubby'

First of all, I'm really sorry i didn't blog for this few days, I am really really sorry. Without wasting any more time I'll just tell you that I've been really busy this month, so maybe I won't be able to write for this particular month. You know, even a blogger also should have their holidays.

So, what's happening today? I'm sorry I won't write for the previous days, but anyways, that days were amazing. Now, for today's..... My cousin's birthday, and most importantly my cousin's wedding!!!!!!

My cousin is a she and she was really beautiful today! With her white dress and every single thing was luxurious.It was really an excellent wedding ceremony i must say. It was the first time for me to take and take and take picture without me notice how many hundreds of pictures i took until my camera went out of batery.

The..... I mean, they are now officially husband and wife now. During the "lafaz" for the guy to be the husband was really funny, the whole house was full of laugh, and the "tok kadi" or 'imam' was also kind.

The ring, it was simple but really beautiful, making us say the word "WAW!!!!!!" Eventhough there is something not in the planned happen, but we managed to handle it. Many people were misunderstood me, they told i was a DJ since i hold the microphone..... And girls keep on sitting beside me, and take pictures.... Some also say "DJ A~~~~~ZIM!!!!!!!!" HAHAHA

Maybe i can't describe the whole thing, and you can't really feel it, but believe me, it was a bomb!


PS: sorry i didn't write long enough to keep this post interesting but i am really tired, like i was going to get sick

PSS: I will have my birthday tommorow 6 December 2010.... please make me in your prayed so that i stay health and had a long life.

PSSS: sorry for this un-interesting post, i just had a feeling to write it, since i didn;t write for these few days.

Monday, November 29, 2010

What Day Is Today?

Firstly, don't mind the date and day above, it's totally so wrong!!

Tuesday, 30 November 2010.

I totally forgot what's the day today and what's the date. Well i looked at my handphone and  OH~ it's Monday  Tuesday, and 30th of November already! The last day of November for this year, 2010. Did you ol' notice that? No? Yes? It's up to you, but i don't...

Since today is the last day of November, and i really don't have anything to talk about, so i'm just gonna end here wanna say happy belated birthday to one of my greatest teacher:

This is totally 100% doesn't look like him nowadays...

I don't know what happen to him when the picture was taken, but it seems that he just wake up from his lovely sleep.... or he just finish taking a bath (look at his hair!!!).

So.... it's end of November and beginning of December, December! My favourite month of all... Which particular things that need to be remembered all time happened!
Oh wait~ someone just called me...

It's just my mum is back from her work....  Let's continue.... So the things that will be happening in December:
  1. My birthday
  2. My friends birthday
  3. My teachers birthday
  4. Holidays and vacation to other countries
  5. Shopping
  6. Cinema
  7. And a lot more!!!
Yeah, i always wait this every year, like in January.... I'm already thinking about school end and holidays. You get what i mean? I mean, i always thinking of December even if it's just beginning of the year. Arghhh~ I still didn't know what to talk about, guess I was distracted about my family problem thing. Well~ the big family of PDPH Abu Bakar maybe will go on their separate way....

But lets not be sad about that, the chairman / chairwoman of each family will raise up and get this thing solved (I heard it just now, they're now going to have a meeting and the head of chairman will take over this whole problem). So let's celebrate our December for the year of 2010!!!!!

25 December 2010 - Christmas will be there

I guess all school will be having their holidays in December

Calender for December 2010

Many tourist will be coming to mine and your country, keep em' clean pals!

This is the 'puisi' for people who was born in December:


setia dan pemurah,
bersifat patriotik,
bersikap aktif dalam permainan dan pergaulan,
bercita-cita tinggi untuk berjaya dan berusaha mencapainya dan berjaya,
boleh menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dalam sesuatu oraganisasi,
seronok didampingi,
suka berkawan dan dengan orang,
bijak mengatur masa,
kurang pandai berpura-pura,
cepat marah,
daya fikir yang sangat tinggi dan tajam,
perangai yang berubah-ubah,
tidak mudah ego,
sangat pentingkan harga diri,
tidak suka pada konkongan,
suka berlawak,
berfikiran logik,
suka aktiviti riadah,
orang yang adil,
suka ambil jalan tengah,
otaknya cerdas,
otaknya sangat bijak dan mudah belajar,
berpersonaliti menarik.
Credits to Teacher Rusinah for teaching me this, even though i don't really get it.

Guess it's time for me to take off from my laptop... So just wanna say to you, happy celebrating your December, becareful and take care!


PS: Extra image for you to start your December =D *PEACE*
PPS: I re-posted this, because i posted it at a wrong date and wrong day! Look how spoiled i am...
PPPS: My grandpa is submitted to hospital again, it's time to say HELLO to the hospital