Monday, November 29, 2010

What Day Is Today?

Firstly, don't mind the date and day above, it's totally so wrong!!

Tuesday, 30 November 2010.

I totally forgot what's the day today and what's the date. Well i looked at my handphone and  OH~ it's Monday  Tuesday, and 30th of November already! The last day of November for this year, 2010. Did you ol' notice that? No? Yes? It's up to you, but i don't...

Since today is the last day of November, and i really don't have anything to talk about, so i'm just gonna end here wanna say happy belated birthday to one of my greatest teacher:

This is totally 100% doesn't look like him nowadays...

I don't know what happen to him when the picture was taken, but it seems that he just wake up from his lovely sleep.... or he just finish taking a bath (look at his hair!!!).

So.... it's end of November and beginning of December, December! My favourite month of all... Which particular things that need to be remembered all time happened!
Oh wait~ someone just called me...

It's just my mum is back from her work....  Let's continue.... So the things that will be happening in December:
  1. My birthday
  2. My friends birthday
  3. My teachers birthday
  4. Holidays and vacation to other countries
  5. Shopping
  6. Cinema
  7. And a lot more!!!
Yeah, i always wait this every year, like in January.... I'm already thinking about school end and holidays. You get what i mean? I mean, i always thinking of December even if it's just beginning of the year. Arghhh~ I still didn't know what to talk about, guess I was distracted about my family problem thing. Well~ the big family of PDPH Abu Bakar maybe will go on their separate way....

But lets not be sad about that, the chairman / chairwoman of each family will raise up and get this thing solved (I heard it just now, they're now going to have a meeting and the head of chairman will take over this whole problem). So let's celebrate our December for the year of 2010!!!!!

25 December 2010 - Christmas will be there

I guess all school will be having their holidays in December

Calender for December 2010

Many tourist will be coming to mine and your country, keep em' clean pals!

This is the 'puisi' for people who was born in December:


setia dan pemurah,
bersifat patriotik,
bersikap aktif dalam permainan dan pergaulan,
bercita-cita tinggi untuk berjaya dan berusaha mencapainya dan berjaya,
boleh menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dalam sesuatu oraganisasi,
seronok didampingi,
suka berkawan dan dengan orang,
bijak mengatur masa,
kurang pandai berpura-pura,
cepat marah,
daya fikir yang sangat tinggi dan tajam,
perangai yang berubah-ubah,
tidak mudah ego,
sangat pentingkan harga diri,
tidak suka pada konkongan,
suka berlawak,
berfikiran logik,
suka aktiviti riadah,
orang yang adil,
suka ambil jalan tengah,
otaknya cerdas,
otaknya sangat bijak dan mudah belajar,
berpersonaliti menarik.
Credits to Teacher Rusinah for teaching me this, even though i don't really get it.

Guess it's time for me to take off from my laptop... So just wanna say to you, happy celebrating your December, becareful and take care!


PS: Extra image for you to start your December =D *PEACE*
PPS: I re-posted this, because i posted it at a wrong date and wrong day! Look how spoiled i am...
PPPS: My grandpa is submitted to hospital again, it's time to say HELLO to the hospital


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Best Mickey Picture Of The Day!

28.11.2010, i must remember this date, its my teacher's wedding. She isn't my school teacher but my tuition teacher and she's teaching for my D'Maths.

It was a beautiful ceremony, although not really much people came. Well, you can see a lot of empty seat there, wasn't their fault, she had to stop sending her wedding invitation as soon as her mother passed away (I'm sure i wrote it somewhere in the previous post). But in the middle of the occasion, we did laugh a bit, well.... for me it reminds me about T.Rusinah (my malay teacher). They had 'puisi' and it was long and long and long and funny! Like... we though i has finished but it didn't, instead the performer just taking a breath, it happen 3 times. And a lot of people were like.... "OMG it's so long" *looking at the food*. But it was real fun, the dress was fantastic and the ceremony was fully arranged. Congrates!

A huge CONGRATULATION to the couple of Muliana's and Pengiran held on 28.11.2010

Let's talk about something else, today also a historic date of my blog, i mean this blog, to be discovered by a young lady (now she's young, dunno later on) sheena wee : . She is one of the geniuses in my class and the 'can not meet gary and lai one', lemme see.....  where can i find her picture.... ah~ there:

Sheena's nose, mouth and some parts of her

Well, it kindda small, but your welcome =D I don't want anyone to stalk in you sheena... So... she found my blog URL at shahina's blog : . Well, i wasn't expecting her to get it from there but, hey~ shahina! you've got a reader too.....! *clap hands*

I think it was good for her to know, so that my blog visitor would increase a bit faster, at least now i know i have two readers =P We ( three blog writers me, shahina and sheena) had a little conversation just now...

Well, it's kindda short, we weren't really had a real conversation, but it;s okay for the first time. I wasn't really able to chat with them because of two reasons:
  1. Internet problem, my laptop are really lagging
  2. I'm blogging this whole thing
Sheena aren't talking much also, i guess she's blogging, you should check on her's, she had an amazing idea's for her 'successful' blog. She would have like thousands reader already... Mine was like 32 (currenctly) and my old blog has only 1 readers.... so faillll.

Omg, it's late already, i should got to sleep before my mum caught me. Wait, don't misunderstood, i'm not shoplifter ( thinking of sheena in the year book) Gosh~ need to stop blogging right now, my laptop is running out of battery... See ya pals!


PS: I meet so many teachers in my tuition teacher's wedding such as my A'Maths tuition teacher....

Saturday, November 27, 2010

You will always be remembered!

I didn't get to write a post yesterday because of the heavy rain and storm here in brunei, i mean at night time... Well, i usually blogging at night so that i can get ideas but not really night... Yesterday nothing much happened except me and family had dinner at the.....

You know by looking at the logo...

Wait, maybe i can find the place we eat yesterday... hmm..... ah~ got it!

Yes! Found it! This is the exact building i think..... So it is located in kg.bunut. Of course since its a sushi restaurant, we all eat sushi. Thats all...


Wait, it's not done yet! That's just about yesterday's, now about today...

Yesterday night i lie down at my bed at 12am but then at 1am i still can't fall asleep.Morning came, guess what time i woke up? ITS THE FREAKING 9AM!!!! You imagine how many hours only i got to sleep, least than 9 hours. My sister had her first exam today, and she said it was okay but the exam hall was so FREAKING cold....

That's her, and fyi, her exam ends tomorrow, it's like..... WTF! 2 days only? I was cramed with my 2 weeks exam and her's was only 2 day? And they even get 2 weeks holiday for revising at home.... You, see how wonderful to study at UBD.

So here i am, today i saw one of my teacher's romantic video (couple =P). Let's watch it together...

He was one of my science teacher, but now he's not teaching me already. He is very kind teacher, i usuallt called him Teacher Jeffrey. One of the best teacher in my list so far... And he is a very talented teacher, he can teach most of the subject like biology, physics, chemistry and even malay! Although he is a filipino..

Then i gotta chat with shahina, this is some of our conversation

  1. the girl who claimed to be always reading my blog
  2. she was one of my previous classmate in 2010, half year only i mean
  3. the girl whom i always wrote letter in previous post
  4. the girl who live in India
  5. the girl who teach me in Amaths
  6. A special girl
click to enlarge... if you need so

And so that's how my day ended, i mean it's late night already.And i need to write a letter to shahina as she wrote it in her blog : . You all should read her blog also!

Dear Shahina my friend,

I miss you too girl.... Amaths is getting harder and harder, and life is getting worst. All of us's mark weren't really satisfying. But mine is okay, i got the same mark as one of the geniuses, our most talented scientist, Gary. Muahaha~ Exactly the same. YEah, i will go online if i have a spare time... And i'll try my best to stay update this blog to connect us from other countries. A massive misses from us here to you.

Yours faithfully,


Currently, we are study some king of like this:


It's long and very confusing... Which make my head spin and explode!

I guess this is the end, i left nothing to write and it's getting late, i should be sleeping right now.Nights! =)


PS: Next year there won't be T.Mudasir, i wonder who's gonna teach us maths.... And Harish is leaving the school leaving me alone:
  1. A malay student
  2. An irk student
  3. Reading the school's Doa
  4. The only one playful
  5. The talkative one (wait, i'm not the only one, jasilah, gary and sheena are talkative also)
I hope 2011 won't be any worser, i'll keep my mind positive... So.... my bf is leaving me ='( I'm ditched!

Good Night

PSS: Goodbye to Harish and T.Mudasir, i'll never forget you and will miss you a lot!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Haunted Day

Haunted Day, it is where a day with full of scare in it.... It will come again more than one times and maybe the rest of your life...  MAYBE

 Today was a very haunted day, you know what it means? It's the 'PROGRESS REPORT FOLDER DAY.' My mum woke me up to take it but i refuse to accompany her to my school as i know it'll be more scary-er when the teacher talk about you, your attitude, test marks, what I'm doing in class (mostly looking my handsome face on the mirror) and the most scary-est is when your parents met the subject teacher.

Arrrrgggghhhhh~!!!!! I was left alone in my house in the morning, with my grandparents, with no breakfast! 12pm, huh~ finally they're home now, food coming (i haven't eat from the morning)...... Uhuh~ *Looking at my mum's face*

Doesn't look so nice right.... I mean look at the mouth

Sister: "You are in a HUGE trouble!" *passing by me*

*in my mind* OMG!!!! Is it really bad? Shot......

Mum; "Take all this things up in the house!" *pointing the things they bought with my report folder*

I went sloooooowly to pick it one by one... and...... WHAT?! They went to the mall without me! Can you feel how i felt? I was ditched by my own family! sad........

And then we went inside my house, and my mum start doing her lecture.... Some of it are:

"How come did you get this low marks? You barely passed! That's the result you get after spending the money for tuition? Be like you sister, she got 8 'O's in her 'O'Level exam, i dont know what will you get next year. Next year, you are gonna get all subject tuition-ed! Bla... bla.... bla..... Ka Boom!"

It's something kindda like that, longer and with the harsh word. Then after that my sister annoyed me by:

"This question's answer was suppose to be A, then this C and B......... Why didn't you answer it correctly? Ta.... Tha..... Thaa...... A... B.... D.... C....." 

Like..... WTF question? (Why didn't you answer it correctly?) oh maybe because in the exam i didn't remember it. Of course! Let me say it, "WHAT A STUPID QUESTION IS THAT?" Didn't you know people get wrong because they didn't know the 'real' answer? Then i started checking my results, like.... 


I didn't get it, why are they mad? What i did is..... welll, if you look at thir report, mine is better. And mum, you can't compare me with sister, because she's in the 'art stream' and i'm in the 'science stream'. FYI the science subject in the 'science stream' is more harder than combine science, and look at sister's report, she also barely passed! You see, i got POA without any basic ideas, while her *at my sister* studied it!

So enough with my.... problems, actually this morning i was chatting with one of my cousin and we talked about going out to mall today at the afternoon but it was canceled, thanks to my cousin for understanding my situation. I wouldn't dare to ask permission with that scary face on my mum's, and i pretty sure she'll said "NO!"

SO........... you wanna know what... I missed to watch the SEA GAMES 'SUKAN ASIA', guys sorry it was wrong, from my previous post i told you it was 'SEA GAMES' but its not. So... yes, i missed it again, and oh~ i missed it again today. It's like i missed 3 in a row, i'm so frustrated! Maybe because today was "HAUNTED DAY"!

Overall, today has been a 'not that good day.'But the food was excellent!


PS: Do you think my blog posts is dull?

Today is the miserable day. It's like the above picture... i'm the mickey mouse stuck on my result and people keep on forcing me to go crazy!!!

And actually my average was increasing from year to year.... seriously improved! Maybe some people who did not realize it should buy a spectacle... You all should happy and at least give me support, not making me feel bad.

And i do think 2011 will be the worst, cause my bestfriend, Harish is leaving... so i'm alone.... malay... irk.... i even is a lonely guy. sad..... I'm going to scream! ARGHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


So did you watch the sea games? I know, China is going to win the first place. Oh! And did you know that my Brunei also joined it? Well, we did! =D but...... we didn't get any medals *wrecked face* So yeah,I'm obsess with  the Sea Games.

Morning evry evyr (oh gosh! I CAN'T TYPE IT CORRECTLY) everyone *finally* Did you wanna know what happened today? I mean, really in morning like.... 00:00? Hehe, i was watching the Sea Games =P Then i slept, and was woke because of an 'explosion sound' in the middle of my sweet DREAM!!!!

What was that damn thing???
Even though i didn't saw it but i hope it's okay.... I mean if its some jerks playing the crackles GO TO HELL YOU DAMN ASS!!! I NEED TO REST NOW!!!! It's was like World War II. I was grabbing my:
  1. Mobile phone
  2. A bottle of water
  3. Spectacle
  4. Wallet
Haha, I know, I was actually planning to run and take my car keys and drove it to some where peace so that i can sleep.... HAHA, what??? just to sleep? Ooops, i mean incase the was a bomb attack or something. Then at 9am i went to BSB... you know just walking aroung nothing to do like crazy old.... oh wait~ I met this nver mind...

Afternoon didn't went very well, i miss the Sea Games show like 2 hours cause i was sleeping... YES! TO COVERED UP THE SLEEPING TIME OF THE BOMBING ATTACK! But i'm pretty sure i'll watch it at 10pm this night.

About my grandpa, you need not to worry him already, he's staying at my house and we look after him, well practically... He's been coughing this whole month like...

Yes, that bad, i mean really bad. But he'll be okay, i guess..... *unsure face* My sister is having exam this 27th and she is having a hard time revising as
  1. Her room is taken by my grandpa and grandma
  2. My granpa coughing bother her
  3. We bought a dvd and she was like.... "I can't resist it, i can't concentrate before finishing watching the movies" and its like 11movies and now she watched it already, i mean ALL!
  4. I fix my game and she likes it a lot
And 28th is my lovely D-Maths tuition teacher's wedding! I'm looking forward to that date.

Her wedding card was more likely to be like this but with more nicer design and gold colours. Wonderful!
Ughhh! It's another 4 more hours till the Sea Games show, i really want to watch it like now! I need a miracle!
Speaking of miss, i miss my classmate especially shahina, jasilah, harish, gary and sheena and others. And mostly i miss my previous PE teacher, T.Agerico, the best teacher i ever had!

I almost forgot, shahina, if you are reading this....

Dear Shahina,

I read your blog and see a lot of improvement in it example your post length, its getting longer, i mean very long like i mention in your cbox. And your blog, it has a cbox already! I'm kindda surprised that you actually wrote my name, with my blog address, someone will stalk me for sure. Haha, joke. Thank you for you to remind me, i hope you did not forget about me and my attitude to you (good attitude kaliah).  Eventhough we are far apart but still, we are friend, i will support reading your blog until i can. I know maybe you didn't understand this cause i'm spontaneous write this letter.And that paragraph about me is really short! But i'm happy that you at least wrote something about me on your blog, i'm honoured.

Yours sincere,


Huh~ spent more than 15 mins writing it shahina, let take a rest................................


PS: There's some spelling mistakes somewhere i don't know and i'm too lazy to check.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Still Alive

Hey guys, i'm sorry i didn't put any updated for almost a week. It is due to the internet problem, yes for the whole week and just got fix just 30 secs ago. YES! SERIOUSLY!!!!! SO this is my update....

Tuesday, 16 November 2010.


First of all i want to say Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all the muslim around the world.

Yeah, as you know today we celebrate hari raya haji where we make a sacrifice on animals. I've received the korban not long ago, i mean just now, today, at the JPMC. So today i woke up at 5.20am and get ready to go to the mosque. Around 7am, i started y journey to the mosque, there we prayed the hari raya prayer. In the mosque i found this abang (my sister's ex-bf), which i called abang auw~. Don't ask me why i called him that cause 100% sure i won't tell you.

Did you know what korban is? Well, it is the sacrifice of animals: lembu, kerbau, kambing and unta (cow,sheep,and camel). It started with the god who asked Nabi Ismail to sacrifice his own beloved son ,Nabi Ibrahim, they was willing to do it, until a 'wahyu' came asking Nabi Ismail  to change to sacrifice a sheep instead of his son.

The sacrifice of a cow

After prayer, we made an open house, all of my cousin from my mum's side came except for like 2 family. But it was okay, we had fun, good time together, chat and most important of all, my grandpa had to see all of the family gather. It's like a gathering, we first started it with a doa selamat read by my dearest cousin Aminur Rasyid

Then we all started to eat all we could as all the food was really really relly delicious! We had nasi beriyani, spagetti, cheese, sausage, kari ayam, and many others.Same goes to the night...


Wednesday, 17 November 2010

 Sorry, i have no idea, i completely forgot. Sorry.


Thursday, 18 November 2010

Abang Aw~

Today a funny day, we met abang aw~ at the mosque (we all think it's him). So it all begin like this, around 9am me, my cousin and sister went to the mosque to take our korban meat. Not to mention the chaos in there, my sister got mad cause of the officer being VERY rude. Then when we saw this bunch of army (well, sort of, their not pratically army yet but.... you know). Then we go slow on them, well the 'abang aw~' didn't saw us instead this old guy, we called him.... Haji_Saleh and his gang concentrate on us, i mean on my sister. Imagine a stranger look at you, yes! Of course my sister face turn red and we laugh at him. She even misstold everything and invovle all things with 'Haji_Saleh like....... grandpa Saleh. HAHAHAHA


Tuesday, 23 November 2010.

Well, i can't exactly tell you what happen today, i know you began to feel bored reading my blog but i promise to do as best as i could to make this blog interesting and live.Today i woke up at 7am then i goes back to sleep and woke again at aroung 9.30am. Then i do my stuff and take shower at 10am, just fyi this is the first time i take bath before 12pm during the holiday. YES! I feel lazy to take bath early and it goes until like 1pm, 2pm, 3pm and even 5pm, thats the late-st.

Then... Oh well... where am i? OH, then i breakfast a popia if i'm not mistaken. I got nothing to do at that time so i clean my room, see..... how hard working i am. And ughhh..... my room is a complete disaster. But i finished it like 2 and a half hour... haha, imagine that.Then i play game, and doing this yes, blogging.


PS: I know this is boring, but try to keep update and stay tuned to me. I can't really blog cause some technical problem

Can anyone tell me how to put videos from youtube? Thanks for reading this guys, i really appreciate your.... um... what do you say that??? um.... ah~ Thanks for the support! 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Darling, Oh Darling, Open The Door

Today, i think is a good day, i woke up at 10am the earliest ever~! Then before taking my breakfast i straight away go to my laptop and downloaded one funny video. This video is so classic, i mean it's still famous to the malay. It's in malay but there is english subtitle, try to catch up with it, and watch out for the ghost.

Yes! It is the P.Ramlee, taken from one of the famous P.Ramlee movie called Nasib Labu Labi*

I watch it yesterday night, and i tell you wat, YOU SHOULD WATCH THE FULL MOVIE It's so funny you know. I'm not gonna tell you any further, you are gonna need to watch it yourself.

Back to me,
I don't eat breakfast today, just straight away eat lunch cause i'm too lazy too eat breakfast. So lunch eh? I eat rice, of course, fish cooked yellow (haha, idk whats the name in english, in malay it's ikan masak rabus), and lady's finger. Actually there's more, but i didn't eat it, i don't feel like eating them.

So then i watch dvd again, yeah right~ i'm such a dvd-er. I watch this barbie movie, ohhhh~ like watching barbie movie shhhh~ movie. =P

Barbie and The Three Musketeers

Oh yeah, i leveled up my pet society on my facebook. now i'm in level 30 =D I feel really bored now but i'm sure something goods gonna happen today! Wait...... wait..... wait........ Okay, there's nothing happened. So play with my kittens, you know.... the four naughty kittens. Then night, eat my dinner, talk about random stuff, the graduation of school this sunday. 

Well, today I so got nothing to write about, just wanna remind you all, here, in my place we are celebrating the "Hari Raya Aidiladha" and 'Korban' tommorow... WEEEE~


PS: I wonder why almost all my post have a "PS". Sorry about this post aren't interesting enough... But smile!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Back From Hospital's Highway!

Good News! Without and newsletter my grandpa was released from the hospital, yea~ he was very-very happy. He walk off from the building around 12++pm, after his lunch, haha, from RBC kaliah, cannot miss one~! So bla bla bla, nothing's going on today bla bla blah! I seriously got nothing to blog today, maybe i blog better tomorrow. I just wanna say congrates to my grandpa and thank you to Shahina Salim, i think she was the first one to read my blog =)!

Dear Shahina,

I'm happy that you found and read my blog. Through here we can be easily 'not lost contacy' or wat so ever. I know you are in India now and it is such an honoured! Due to the last time we met, i apologized that i didn't have a chance to say "Goodbye and have a save flight", i even didn't give you anything to help you remembered us in brunei. I also want to apologized that in Brunei if I troubled you on purposed or 'unpurposely'.

I heard that now you are craving for your O'Level exam there, you must be having a hard time there since you just came there. I'm sorry that i can't pay your kindness towards me during you stay in Brunei, but do tell me if you need anything or help from me.

Best of luck for your exam and may god bless you.


PS: No more waiting at the hospital walk-way! No more lifting up and down of grandpa! No more seeing 'toing' nurse and doctor! FREEDOM!!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Today after Yesterday

Sorry i didn't blog yesterday, it's just i was too tired. Soo.... lemme start with yesterday, then today.

Saturday, 13 November 2010.

I forgot what exactly the time i woke up : |   So today i was tired until i didn't have time to blog, so as a result i'm blog now, tomorrow actually. Why am i tired? Well, i was tired because i need to jaga my grandpa at the hospital. Hey! did you know what? the time written down there *look down my post* that says

Come on...... Get well soon Grandpa!!!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Mickey On The Bed!

Today i bangun at 11am around 10.45am, late isn't it? my mum can't be mad at me, it's because i was really tired due to yesterday emergency. Then it turn to usual life, i took bath, brush my teeth *show shiny tooth* and poo. My mum didn't cooked any food, so i make my own breakfast lah. Wanna know my breakfast?
Maggi curry + egg

  It was very yummy, since my sis pun ikut makan jua. You know wat? I'm not a bad cooker kaliah~. After that my sister and I watch a movie called:

I'm pretty sure all of you know this movie, it's High School Musical 3

So then go pray since today is friday, where today seem to be different; lots of people; i means it's not like usual. Then i watch another movie:

I like this story but i didn't watch it until the end. This is story is about a lil mermaid which love music and bla bla bla.... then in the end ga ga ga. Make sure you'll watch it, what a sweet movie. *wink*After how many minutes i got a phone call from my aunt telling me to accompany her to the mosque for korban thingy at 3pm, huh~ i waited until 3.20then baru tah i know that she left me. Due to some attitude i'm the victim of my sis telling that i didn't want to join my aunt.

let me tell you... never mind, i'm not in the mood... -.-

5.45pm, my aunt came....

THIS IS NOT HER! its just the expression is almost the same.
Aunt: "Kenapa ko inda mau ikut tadi?"
Me: "Manada nda mau ikut, aunt yang tinggalkan aku, aku nunggu sampai 3.20pm tadi"
Aunt: "Kaka mu tadi britau ko nda mau ikut"
Me: "Kan ikut kaliah, ea nda tau"
Sister: "Mana kaka tau, kaka pikir ko nda mau ikut"
Me: "Len kali tanya dulu! Jgn sesuka hati!" *angry*

The conversation almost the same as this.... but i changed a bit for the censored part. =P

Oh yeah, i have this 4 lil' kitten, soooooooo cute!!!!!!!!! I took them out to play today and guess wat? They bullied me!!! Yesh! BULLIED!! All of them take turns to crash my head, bit my hand and legs. But i still sabar one....

What a naughty kittens

Around 6 something in the evening outside of my house started to rain, but it was just a lil bit and didn't last long. I went to the hospital to visit my grandpa, he's in good condition now; and i hope it stays until next year and so on. OH DEAR GOD, PLEASE CURE MY GRANDPA BEFORE DECEMBER, AMIN!!! SO THAT I CAN GO ON VACATION HAPPILY...... I don't detect any blood this time, so i guess he's okay. Hope so!

HAHA! I left him with my cousin, i mean my grandma shift duty with my cousin to wait for my grandpa at the hospital. So my grandma went home with me, bringing her the KTM restaurant. We ordered:

Sweet and Sour Chicken with Fried Rice

Ikan Asam Pedas, but it taste like lemon; but still yummy~
uhhh~ Chicken Pandan, DELICIOUS!
Crab Meat over Mixed Vegetables, and.....
Corn Soup

So that's all i want to share wit you'ol.

Have a good night. *sleep with a full loaded stomach*


PS: I don't know why i put that title